The Sole Survivor

Live to Tell: A Detective D. D. Warren Novel
"A Twisted, spellbinding thriller. Lisa Gardner always delivers heart-stopping suspense"- Harlan Coben.

What book is Harlan Coben commenting on, you may ask , Why it's Lisa Gardner's August release "Live to Tell"

Review : Live to Tell - Lisa Gardner - Aug 1st 2010

For most family tragedies that occur , their is always one person left over - the sole survivor , somebody to carry on that dark secret of what really happened or to recall those events they were told.
Twenty-Five years ago, a family were massacred and the sole survivor was the daughter Danielle . Now working with children whom have suffered or suffer from acute psychiatric problems , she is working hard to look after those children so they will never have to go through what she experienced.
Coming up to the anniversary date of her family's death , two more cases similar to hers occur and we read as both cases had children involved with the unit.
When deaths start occurring around and in the unit , things start getting a bit suspicious. Is the deaths connected with Danielle's past and what stories do the other hospital workers have to hide that make their working in the unit special to them and this case ?
Live to tell is a story that will leave you guessing how the dots connect till the very last chapter. Once again, I agree with Harlan that Lisa has outdone herself with another brilliant Mystery/Thriller.
I think that readers of the Non-Fiction/Fiction author Torey Hayden if they can stomach a bit of mystery and thriller will really enjoy this story.It is also an excellent read for anyone who feels a connectionn to psychiatric problems and mental health.


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