VBT# Upside Down - Lia Riley

Review: Upside Down - Book #1 Off the Map Series - Lia Riley - August 2014

One of my favourite genres is New Adult and what excites me more is that on the odd occasion you will come across a New Adult book that is so amazing that you can't help but shout about it from the rooftops and for me Upside Down was one of those books from the beautifully amazing cover artwork to the story inside, this book grabbed me from page one and I was hooked and could not put it down and once finished I was left wanting more and now I can't wait for the next book to be released later this year. Upside Down starts with Talia leaving California to head Down Under to Australia as she needs to move on with her life and the only way to move forward from the past is to start fresh and get a new outlook on life away from those who know her and know her story. It was interesting reading this as I have often wondered what it would be like to get away from all the dramas families cause and to go away and start somewhere new where no-one has heard of my family or my sister. In Australia Talia meets Bran and guess what he is an environmentalist so guessing that's where the nickname comes in - get it "Bran" as in "healthy food". Both Bran and Talia are wanting to start anew and they may have found that thing that has been lacking their lives in each other especially when Talia realises that within five minutes - Bran knows more about her than anyone in her life by observing her. Though what will happen as the days count down and it comes time for Talia to leave Melbourne and fly home to California ? Will she and Bran end things there or will they discover that what they have is more than fling material and that they will have to come to an agreement if they both want to make it work into something more permanent ?
Find out in "Upside Down" by Lia Riley and readers, this is one series that when it comes to availability it's a One-Click Buy Now Book.


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