VBT# Fix You - Beck Anderson

Fix You

Review: Fix You - Beck Anderson - March 2015 

Kelly Reynolds had a happy life with her perfect family which consisted of her loving husband Peter and two children, that was until disease struck and ended up killing her husband. Now two years later, Kelly has been in a rut and moving from day to day in a sloth mode and not really living. That is until, her friends and parents believe it's time for an intervention so she heads away for a holiday with her children to her parents house, away from everything. While out on a run one day, she breaks down and starts crying as we later learn it was the two year anniversary of her husband's death, but maybe her husband was looking out for her as on this particular run she meets a guy named Andy . He turns out to be Hollywood actor Andrew Pettigrew whom is currently in town for a filming of his new movie. The two hit it off and then it's time for reality to sink back in and the pair go their separate ways with each other's phone numbers. Kelly doesn't think anything of it until a few months later she gets a phone call from Andrew to say he is in town and could he stay with her. They find this a good opportunity to see how he interacts with her boys and soon begins a Cinderella type romance , though of course like any Normal Person/ Hollywood romance we see the cracks and pressure start to appear as pics of Andy and other film actress start to turn up in gossip mags. Was his and Kelly's romance just a fleeting fling or can Andy prove to Kelly that his love for her is real and that he doesn't want to spend another moment without her or her boys ? If you love those Cinderella type stories as much as I do and the Celebrity angle, then check out Beck Anderson's Fix You today.



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