VBT# Book Club by Jaime Boust

Review: Book Club - Jaime Boust - February 2015

As a big reader myself , anything to do with books or bookclubs in the title -I will pick it up and when this book came through as a VBT I knew I had to read it and what a fun chicklit novel it was. Imagine a group of middle-aged women meeting every month to discuss books and their dreams and inspirations and yes - all was done old school in this book (none of this pinterest pinning on online boards) as they are guided through a self-discovery book they have been reading through. The club seems to go through the motions at first until one of the members Marissa's sister arrives on the scene and within a few weeks she has caused an uproar in their book group and has challenged the women to stop talking about things and actually as Nike says "Just Do It". With the events that happened, it reminded me of what could have been the Female version of the movies "The Hangover" with kidnapping, missing people including the People's Magazine Sexiest Man Alive and unfortunately we aren't talking about George Clooney or whomever you find sexy at the moment , Korean Nacho Dogs which in my mind didn't sound that appetizing and what's a good contemporary romance and chicklit novel without a good romp here and there. Jaime Boust's book "Book Club" has something for all the readers from Romance to Humour and for those geeky book chics - some literature references. After reading this it's made me wonder, whether I should reach out and join a book club as if they are anything like the one in this book - sign me up first. 



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